
Books on Psychology: Highly Recommended

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Books on psychology

Ever since his creation, man has tried to gain knowledge of the universe. This knowledge includes the laws of nature and everything else that could put him on top of the food chain. However, he did not limit this knowledge to the things around him.

Man has also tried to gain a better understanding of himself. The human mind and body are very complex. This is why it is extremely hard to map out every aspect of human nature. However, we can always try to gain a better understanding of ourselves and our behavior.

Psychology is the study that studies human nature scientifically. Observation is the best method to gain this understanding. However, not everyone has a strong observation. Also, the subject is quite difficult in itself so you need someone to guide you through it.

The best guide for this is to read books on psychology. Psychology has a lot of in-depth knowledge that humans have acquired over the years. However, a book might just serve this knowledge to you on a silver platter. All you need is to find a good psychology book.

List of The 5 Best Psychology Books

Here is the list of the best books related to psychology:-

1- The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language

This is a great book that focuses on the development of human language. Humans can exchange thoughts and effective communication drives it. But have you ever wondered from where did humans get this ability?


No need to wonder anymore because this book explains it all! The author has written it after extensive research. He tells us how we are born with the ability to understand and communicate. For humans, language is an instinct pretty much like survival.

2- Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind

This book tells about neurological disorders that explain another part of human nature. Humans are delusional beings and this can worsen due to some disorders in the brain. However, this does not mean that such people are insane.


This book tells us how such problems have nothing to do with sanity. It is a common notion to consider such people as having psychological problems. But in truth, such problems are entirely neurological. Read this book to find out more about such interesting cases.

3- Predictably Irrational

This book focuses on how humans are irrational beings. Despite being intelligent, emotions and other factors drive our decisions. The book also mentions many of the mistakes we make with the wrong decisions.


The book goes in-depth while explaining the causes and factors of this irrationality. Once you read this book, you will be able to know all these factors. Also, you might even be able to correct the mistakes you make. The book provides a lot of invaluable advice so you should read it.

4- Thinking, Fast and Slow

This book, like the previous one, focuses on the irrationality of human decisions. However, this book has a more scientific approach to it. The thought process in the human mind is a result of two systems. The interaction of these systems influences the decisions you make.

The book tells you how to control your thoughts. You will be able to learn how to make good decisions easily. Also, the author teaches effective handling of money. Therefore, you must read this book for life-changing lessons.

5- Influence: Science and Practice

This book has a practical approach to explaining the important things in human society. These are the art of persuasion and the causes and effects of influence.

Most people are influenced by others due to many reasons. This helps others to persuade you to do unwanted things. Thus, you would end up at bottom of your social circle. Also, you must know how to persuade others to stay on top.

The book teaches this as well. So, once you read this book, you will improve your social skills. Also, you will be able to get things done effectively and easily.

Wrapping It All Up!!!

Human psychology is a vast field and there are many aspects to it. Thus, no one book can contain all that information within itself. This is why I have provided you with a list of books that explain different aspects of human psychology.

These books greatly enlighten you regarding your behavior. They also teach you how you can improve this by some very simple practices. So, you should check them out!



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