
Classic Writing Styles: 5 Books

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The classic writing styles refer to great masterpieces of Roman, Greek, and other ancient civilizations. It can take people back to ancient times through reading and keep them attached to their civilization.

In modern times, it is difficult to find books with classic styles as new authors follow modern writing styles. But in this article, we have made a list of books that are written with classic writing styles and influence readers. So let’s begin the discussion.

5 Best Classic Writing Styles Books

Here is the list of the best books with classic writing styles that are appreciated by both readers and authors. So have a look at them and select your favorite one.

1.   The Color Purple

It is one of Alice Walker’s epic novels set in rural Georgia at the turn of the last century. The novel involves the hopeful and heartbreaking tale of Celie. She is an uneducated Black teen who fights for her dignity and freedom while leaning on the sisterhood of the women that surround her.

This novel honestly and bravely addresses issues like domestic abuse, sexual abuse, women’s struggles, and ultimate resilience. The book was published in 1982 and won the Pulitzer prize for fiction and the National book award.

After 3 years of release, the story was made into a movie directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Whoopi Goldberg and Oprah Winfrey. Both actors garnered Oscar nominations for their excellent performances.

2.   The Great Gatsby

This book was published almost a century ago in 1925. It was written by F.Scott Fitzgerald. The book involves the story of striving Jay Gatsby. His story is still profoundly relevant in its exploration of society, class, and the false promise that money can buy happiness.

Jay’s misguided chase for his first love is a sad tale that spans the ages. During the publishing year, the book was considered a flop commercially but now you will hardly find any high school curriculum that did not include this story.

3.   Their Eyes Were Watching God

It is one of the most significant novels in literature’s history. This book was written in 1937 by Zora Neale Hurston. The author Alice Walker said: “ There is no book more significant to me than this one ”. This book centers on the life, love, and losses of Janie Crawford.

She is a middle-aged woman who recounts her transformation from a blossoming teen to a self-possessed woman. This book was way ahead of its time in the depiction of a strong black female protagonist.

The story has a great influence on women’s literature as well as on Black authors and Literature. It also inspires many women to handle the hardships of life and achieve their goals.

4.   One Hundred Years of Solitude

This masterpiece from Colomb was written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The book introduced magical realism to the World. It was written with a literary style that was marked by fantastical elements among realistic fiction that become synonymous with Latin American authors.

The story also involves a poignant and humorous tale of the Buendia family that spans 7 generations and 100 years in the fictional town of Macondo. If you have not read this amazing book then you must give it a try.

5.   Pride and Prejudice

This book was written by Jane Austen and gained a lot of recognition in its publishing year. The book involves a complicated love story of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr.Darcy. This classic story has been retold unlimited times in limited genres.

The modern takes on this amazing timeless story are Bridget Jones’s Diary, Pride and Prejudice, and Zombies. Jane’s descriptions, plot, and dialogues are as fresh and charming now as they were when the book was published in 1813.

Literary scholars do not just consider this one of the all-time greatest romance novels. This book is also considered one of the best-loved and best-selling books of all time.

Wrapping It All Up!!!

All these books have classic writing touch in them that today’s novels miss. They are best for people who love English literature. All the stories are a masterpiece and leave a good impact on the readers. If you have not read these classic books yet then you must read them and enjoy quality reading time.


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