How to Control Spread Of Misinformation

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Being human beings we are not perfect and mistakes are part of life. The spread of misinformation is also so common these days.

The thing is that every action counts we all contribute in some way or other to the spread of misinformation.

Sometimes intentionally and sometimes unintentionally. But it needs to stop.

In this article, I am going to tell you some of the ways through which we can control the spread of misinformation.

But before going into the details we first need to look at the basics of misinformation.

Let us dive into it,



The extravaganza of bogus and false info without any intentions to mislead is generally considered misinformation.

The scatter of misinformation is ordinary in our society and is a  normal thing.

We being human beings are not ideal we all can make blunders.

Every So Often we give out info that we read out or get to know somewhere without not realizing that if that’s true or not.

If you are doing this then stop off doing this for the reason that you might be disseminating the distortion.

How to Control Spread Of Misinformation

All the myths, rumors, and exaggerated information about the hyped topic can be as dangerous as some viruses.

They need to be controlled.  There are some ways through which can control the spread of misinformation.

Are you ready to know about them?

So without any further delay let us have a look at them but you have to read this till the end.

Content Confusion

Being social media users we share memes, pictures, and videos related to some particular topic.

There are no harmful intentions behind them but contribute to spreading the misinformation.

To have control over the spree of misinformation check whether you are sharing something that plays a role in spreading the misinformation.

If yes, then do not share. This is the best you can do as a responsible citizen.

Control the Message

You can also avoid the spread of misinformation by simply keeping it to yourself.

There is no need to repeat that false message in front of others. Do not tell the news to others that until you are sure that the news is correct.

Countering Misinformation

This is also helpful in controlling the spread of misinformation. In many Asian countries, it is legal to enforce criminal actions on the spread of misinformation.

Also, in some countries rumors detectors are available for the common people.

Google also plays its part when the misinformation is related to something that affects the globe.

Ensure About the Sources

Before sharing any information with others first make sure that the information is coming from some legitimate source and not from anonymous.

If the source is anonymous, it better is not to share the info that is how you can control the spread of misinformation.

Also, look at different sites and platforms to check how many organizations and sites are sharing it.

If there are many of them sharing it then the information might be true but there are only one of two of them avoid sharing it.

Some Other Useful Measures

There are also some other useful measures through which you can tackle the misinformation. They can be a useful source to you to authenticate which type of information you are about to consume. It contains all the factors regarding your personal mindset growth but also your habits. They play a key role in making sure you entertain the right kind of information well.

These are

  • A critical mindset helps a lot so be critical when you are going through the platforms:e social media.
  • If you know that someone is sharing false information on their online network, ask them politely to remove that.
  • You can also report the misinformation to the administrator of that particular platform.
  • Take your time to understand the information if you have doubts about it.
  • Also, raise your voice against those people who are playing a role in the spree of misinformation.


As there is no pathway to rectify the misinformation the least that we can do is to avoid the spread of it.

By these smalls but useful gestures, you can play a part in avoiding misinformation.


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