
Medical books free: Top Recommendations

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Medicine is something we all are familiar with. If you ask a layman about it, he would still know what it is and what it does. Medicine is a mixture of chemicals that cure or procrastinate diseases. This is the simplest definition of medicine that anyone can understand. You can have medical books free.

Germs like bacteria and viruses exist all around us. If germs enter our body, they can do serious damage. But, there is a defense system that exists inside us. Our immune system is gifted to us by mother nature. It prevents us from getting sick.

Purpose Of Medicine

The immune system fights off these germs and keeps our body healthy. But the strength of the immune system varies at different times. Sometimes, powerful germs enter our bodies. The immune system can’t finish them immediately rather it takes time.

When this happens, a person gets sick. Sometimes, the sickness lasts several days. During this time, medicine is the only remedy. The patients are always advised to take medicine when they are sick. The chemicals inside the medicine boost the white blood cells and kill the germs.

Top Selling Books On Medicine: Medical books free

Many doctors and pharmacists have written books on medicine. This is because this medicine is not easy. Every disease has a different medicine. So, these books share the doctor’s firsthand experience with the diseases. Also, they share their own experiences of illness and medicine.

These books help the newcomers in this field. They use these books to study and practice medicine. This article focuses on such books which are the top sellers. I am going to discuss who wrote the books and what they are about.

So, let us start

1- When Breaths Become Air – Paul Kalanithi

This is one of the popular books in this field. It is by Paul Kalanithi who was a neurosurgeon. This book talks about the author’s life in medicine. He trained as a neurosurgeon for more than ten years. Unfortunately, the author himself got sick at the end of his training.


The author experienced some symptoms like back pains and weight loss. It turned out as stage 4 lung cancer. The story of his illness along with his wife and friends is also in the book.

2- Complications – Atul Gawande

This book is by Atul Gawande who was a surgeon. This book is completely based on Atul’s experiences. He was quite a busy man with a heavy workload. This made his experiences more than other doctors. In this book, he shares those experiences in detail.


This book is of three sections. The first one is “Fallibility” which talks about the mistakes which doctors make. The second section is “Mystery” which involves new diseases surgeons’ responses toward them. The third one is “Ethics” which talks about how to operate certain parts.

3- The Immortal Life Henrietta Lacks – Rebecca Skloot

This book is by Rebecca Skloot about a woman named Henrietta Lacks. Lacks’ body cells were quite special when it comes to medicine. Rebecca studied her cells in detail and many breakthroughs took place after that.

The cells set the basis for cloning, mapping, and much more. The most important one is the Polio vaccine which everyone in today’s world uses. But Lacks’ family was not appreciated enough by the general public and only a few know them.

  1. The Anatomy of Hope – Jerome Groopman

This book is by Jerome Groopman. He is a writer in medicine and biology since 1998. This book addresses a very important issue which is hope. The disease is not a rare thing. Many people get affected by it daily. Some people recover while others do not so much.


In this book, the author talks about how people with diseases lose hope. While other people always stick to hope and make it through. How the families of the ill are affected and how to respond in such situations.

  1. The Emperor of All Maladies – Siddhartha Mukherjee

This book is by Siddhartha who is a physician. In this book, the author talks about one of the most lethal diseases, that is cancer.

The author is a cancer specialist who researched it on a cellular level. He also talks about the history of cancer and its cure.

Wrapping It All Up!!!

I have discussed the top sellers in medicine. I hope you have a better understanding of the books. You also should know now what these books are about. You can use these books to study medicine yourself. Since they are the bestselling ones, they won’t disappoint you.


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