
Money Making: Books Recommendation

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Having a lot of money is something everyone wants, and money-making everybody wants. Without money, there is no survival in this world. Now, people are becoming millionaires at very young ages. This is why the craze of becoming rich early has increased a lot.

Many successful and rich people have wanted to help us out in this regard. After becoming rich, they have tried to share their experience with the world. What better than to learn from the experts themselves?

Book reading is the best source of increasing your intellect. And rest assured, those successful millionaires have done it the same way. They have written and published many books over the years.

There are many biographies of rich people available on the market. However, in this article, I have made a list of the best inspirational books you can buy. These books will push you forward on your quest to become RICH!

List of the 5 Best Books That Will Make You Rich

1- Automatic Millionaire: By David Bach

This is one of the most popular works of David Bach, who is a world-renowned investor. You might think that to become a millionaire, you would have to sacrifice your other needs. However, sacrificing is not the only way.


In this book, David Bach teaches you how to devise a strategy. By following this strategy, you can become rich while still living your life the same way.

  • Make savings daily no matter how small they are.
  • Invest in yourself so that your future is secure.
  • Devise a plan for your spending and follow that plan.

This book is a must-read for anyone wanting to become rich. The style is not only suited to adults but children as well!

2- Money Master the Game: By Tony Robbins

This book, like the previous one, is based on experience. The previous book contained the knowledge of just one person. Instead, this book provides insight into the lives of 50 successful people. The book not only teaches you the basics of finance but also tests the knowledge you have gained.

This book will help you to learn how to:

  • Becoming financially independent
  • Save a great deal of money
  • Make strategies for investment

3- Rich Dad Poor Dad: By Robert Kiyosaki

This is a very relatable book for most people. It teaches you to think like a rich person because the mindset is everything. The author shares his personal experiences and how he became rich.


Not only does it provide valuable information but also motivates you to change your ways. Some of the values taught in this book include:

  • Changing mindset regarding money
  • Explaining how the flow of money works to make it clear
  • Telling parents about the real education they should give to their children

4- Smart Women Finish Rich: By David Bach

This is a rather unconventional book that focuses on women. Along with teaching how to earn, this book also addresses the issues faced by women. These issues include many obstacles provided by domestic life.

The book teaches women how to become financially independent without outside help. A few important points include:

  • It resolves the false notions about money
  • Teaches you to figure out your financial position
  • Teaches the important points to make your finances secure
  • Tells you the mistakes you must avoid

5- The Other 8 Hours: By Robert Pagliarini

This book is also unconventional that teaches you a different approach to earning. This is to make extra time in your day so you can earn more money. The author does this in such a way that you don’t have to worry about damaging your health. This is all the more exciting isn’t it?


The financial advice provided by the author in this book is applicable. Some of these are:

  • Making money through unique and new strategies
  • Optimizing your productivity in a given amount of time
  • Making more time because time is money

Wrapping It All Up!!!

In this article, I have provided you with a list of the best books that will make you rich. The knowledge contained in each of these books is solely on experience. However, keep in mind that you can never become a millionaire overnight!

Becoming rich is a slow and gradual process. Not to mention, it requires a lot of patience and dedication. So, make sure that once you read any of these books, you follow their teachings well. In due time, you will be able to improve your financial condition greatly.

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