money management books

Money Management Books: Best to Read

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Why do we work? why are you working relentlessly day and night? What is it that inspires us to get out of our comfort zone? Need to have awareness from money management books.

we do that to live a better life. How can we live a better life? Well among other things, wealth is one answer. Money is what controls our lives.

Furthermore, just earning money is not enough. One should be aware of how to use it.  Proper management of money can make your stay wealthy for the rest of your life.

Distinguished Books on Money Management

Here I’ll tell you about a few best books on money You will not be disappointed.

1- Profit First

Mike Michalowicz in his book “Profit first” replaces the traditional Logical method used in business. That is; Sales Profit = Expenses

The author has explained a few easy-to-follow rules which we can implement in our business. This way our business will become effective.

money management books

Further, these rules are there to make the accounting process easier. Easier accounting would eventually lead our business to prosperity.

In the end, it doesn’t matter if your business is small or big. It will only benefit you if it promises stable and long-term profitability.

Michalowicz has given a clear pathway for investors to earn and make the wealth they desire.

2-Success is for you

Faith P.Blake wrote this book which highlights the reasons behind failures in businesses. Lack of management of money is one of the main reasons.

He further stresses that our mind is our limit. Sharpen your mind with financial management skills. That’s so because management skills require a quick and witty mind.

money management books

That being said, Faith P Blake has provided some tips and tricks that work as fuel for your brain. And thus, your money management skills would become better gradually.

After reading this book your mind will think efficiently and help you grow successfully as you wish.

  1. Your Money or Your Life

Vicki Robin’s “Your money or your life” has helped numerous people get their life right. Vicki explains how to fill this empty hole that will never be filled enough. He gives strategies and ways to financial freedom.

In addition, the readers will develop a new relationship with money. When the perspective changes, our actions, and approaches also change.

money management books

Therefore, no matter how many defeats you might have to face, you will reach financial stability.

4-Financial Management For Beginners

Often you lose track of your money and in the end, you just sit there wondering where did it all go. well to keep track you need to make your budget first.

If you are weak at making budgets then not to worry, David Stokes has already solved your problem. Even if you have no idea at all about money mange.

money management books

Financial Management for Beginners is a thorough guide. It will get you started and you will ace gradually.

If you are earning less even then a little saving and managing technique can make it work. Now you don’t need to worry about debts or Budgets.

This book is not to make you rich in one night. However, It helps to save money as the day goes by. It will eventually lead you to wealth. Its basic language invites teenagers to elderly people.

5- The Richest Man of Babylon

Word is spread around people that ancient people had their secrets to success. So, all we need is to pay heed to their success stories. George S.Clason has unfolded all those secrets in this book.

Once you apply these secrets you will feel the change. The ancient people learned important lessons in business through their experience. They use it to manage their household budget.

George S.Clason has done a great favor combined all the secrets in one book.

6-Women with Money

In this modern era, women are still confused about earning. They have to go through a hell of trouble to earn a respectful wage.

Jean Chatkzy has mentioned witty management plans. Chatkzy has mentioned all women in business need to know.


Women want to be as free as men in every way. She also desires to pay her bills and buy clothes for herself. Most of all she loves the sense of independence she gets through earning.

She is strong and can support herself. Chatkzy has meticulously written this book with help of lots of experts in the business.

Being a woman can stop you from living the life you desire.

Wrapping It All Up!!!

Financial management only results in distress and worry. But there’s nothing that can’t be solved. Read these books and live a peaceful life.


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