personal finance books

Personal Finance Books: Must to Read

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It’s perfect weather to sit down and read your favorite books. Furthermore, in this sad situation of coronavirus, we have got an excellent opportunity to educate ourselves. It’s an ideal time to learn about new things, especially money. Personal finance books in this blog are a must to read.

You will find books on Fashion, adventure, crime and every other thing in life. But if you wish to establish yourself in sense of finance then you might want to read related books. Here, I will recommend a few meticulously selected books about finance

Personal Finance Books 

Personal Finance books are quite handy. They will assist in managing money better. After reading these books you will be confident and strong while handling your finances. Here is the analysis of the best books about finance.

1- Why Didn’t They Teach Me This in School?

What is the most important thing you desired to learn in school? well, the important thing would have been about money. They should have taught of its worth. Moreover, How to earn and save it. Sadly, we didn’t learn such things in school or even college.

But no worries you can get all the information on “Why didn’t they teach me this in School” written by Carl Seigel.

personal finance books

99 Personel Money Management principles to live by was advice about money for his children. He realized that his children lacked that skill as it is not taught in school.

It was published as it turned out to be excellent. It is well-read. This book is enriched with money advice and lessons. It is the best seller. Start managing money your money with this book!

2-Rich Dad Poor Dad: one of the best personal finance books

The book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” remarkably explains how to be rich. As you read you begin to unlock the secrets of learning money. It will change your perspective about money. You will start to visualize finances and budgets differently.

In this book, the author Robert T.kiyoski wrote about his two dads. His real father is his poor dad and his other dad is his friends’ father who is rich.

personal finance books

He teaches that rich people do not work 9 to 5 to become rich. This tells us that we don’t need to work recklessly to earn.

A rich person knows the art of making and handling money. In addition, he doesn’t work for money rather makes money for himself. And the most important asset a person can have is his mind. Thus, it is an excellent opportunity to make up an attitude towards money.

3- The Total Money Makeover

Dave Ramsy’s “The Total Money Makeover” is new york’s Bestseller. It’s a book that teaches how to pay your debt and enhance your money. Millions of people made themselves financially stable with its help.

In his book, he wrote a perfect 7 steps plan that will help you to get out of your debt. He concluded his 20 years of experience in financial teaching and counseling.

Moreover, It encloses stories of different people; how they followed Ramsey’s plan and became rich. One can implement this plan during any age of life. Also, This book is not limited to any age!

 4- The Automatic Millionaire

A couple earns $55,000 annually and achieves financial dreams. How did they do that? David bach explains that in his book “the automatic Millionaire”. The gist of the money is that we should always save even the least part of the money if we can.

personal finance books

In addition, if we are in debt, pay that off first. After that stock your money away. He has written that one should retire with a strong financial base. A financial base that is automatic. It is an inspiration to save money for the future.

Bach has explained it through a story of a couple. You would think if they can do it, so can will also win over money and be successful by making the right decisions.

 5- Broke Millennial

This book by Erin lowry explains many challenges that Millenials have to face regarding money. It is a book full of humor and empathy. It takes away the traditional way of preaching money lessons. The author explains how people in their twenties can get their financial life together.

If you are confused where does your money go or are you getting married This book contains three budget strategies for different types of people? A simple to read book for teens, so go ahead grab it, and advance from bringing broke to rich!

Wrapping it all up!

These books are some of the best. You no longer need to worry about money. Grab a book and make up your mind.



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