Websites to Start: 4 Best Types

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To start earning money, you can have many websites to start with. Because it is an easy way, but it takes time to generate revenue. The amount of money you can generate from the website depends upon the visitors.

If you have more visitors in a single day, you will earn more and vice versa. Of course, it means you need traffic on the website. But the main question here is. Which type of website can you make to start earning money?

You can start the process easier when you select the right time. There are plenty of options from where you can select the right type.

But in this article, we will tell you the best 4 websites that you can start to generate good revenue.

So let’s start the discussion.

Which Are The Websites That You Can Start?

Here are the best websites where you can start to earn money. Please have a look at them.

  1. Blogging Websites to Start

It is the common type of website that you can see while surfing on google. These are simple websites that contain a lot of content.

You can search for information about any topic in these blogs. Just search the topic on google, and a blog will appear. There are different types of blogs.

That’s why each blog has a different structure. A single person or a small community can run the blog. If the information is constant, then only one person is enough to handle the blog.

But if it needs daily changes, then a small group of people is a better option. Because with multiple people, it becomes easy to update or add the content daily to the website.

By uploading quality content, you can start your own website. So make sure you write creative content as it will help to attract a lot of people.

  1. Woo Commerce Websites to Start

In this digital era, people want to save time. That’s why they prefer online shopping instead of a physical one. Because in physical shopping you have to leave your home and go to different shops to see the products.

While in online shopping, you do not need to leave your home and visit different shops to buy the product. On your mobile phone, you can see a variety of products.

You can select the product and buy it without leaving your couch. For this reason, many buyers switch to digital platforms to promote their business.

What can be better than a website to display your products? You can display all of your products on a website and make it easy for people to do so the business.

So, if you have a small business, then you can start with a Woo Commerce website. To make such websites, you do not need to have experience in coding.

You can use the WordPress platform. Here you will see a bunch of templates to start your work. After selecting the template, install the Woo Commerce plugin in it to make your work easy.

  1. Affiliate Website

An alternative to the Woo Commerce website is an affiliate website. Here you sell the affiliate products instead of the actual products.

An affiliate website is the best option for people who do not have their own business. They can contact the other manufacturers and sell their products on their websites.

By making an affiliate website, you can sell different people’s products on your website.

Here’s the kicker:

You can sell multiple manufacturers’ products on a single website. By doing this, you can earn more revenue. By clicking on the product, people will go to the original website and buy the product from there.

When people buy the product, you will get a commission from the manufacturer. The amount of commission will depend upon the products you display on your website and the customers that go from your website to get the product.

To make an affiliate website, follow these steps

  • Select a niche after a good research
  • Find a domain name
  • Purchase hosting and make your affiliate website
  • Add products to your website. That’s it.
  1. AdSense Website   

Google AdSense is the advertising network that google runs. It allows websites to earn by running different websites on them. So you can earn money just by showing the targeted ads on your website.

There is no need to create a different website for Google AdSense to monetize the old one. Just add Google AdSense to it and make money.

There is no rule for the ads that you can display on the website. The ads can be in the form of text, video, and images.

Want to know the best part?

You do not need to handle the ads as google does this for you. It manages the ad host and the payment. For these services, google takes 32% of the money from the amount that you earn.

All the other 68% come to you without any effort. Isn’t this amazing?

To convert your simple website into the AdSense website, follow these 7 steps.

  1. Create a website
  2. Make sure your website fulfills the eligibility criteria
  3. Apply to AdSense
  4. Configure your ads
  5. Copy and paste the AdSense code into your website
  6. Update your website privacy policy
  7. Verify your address

That’s it, by following these steps, you can make an AdSense website and earn money.

Wrapping It All Up!!!

That’s all viewers; you can select one of these websites to start earning. To make these websites, you do not need to learn to program them. Instead, you can go to the WordPress platform and take benefit of the templates and plugins.

By doing this, you can save your development time and focus on creating quality content and the customers. In addition, make a good relationship with other manufacturers to get a good commission on affiliate websites.


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