
William Shakespeare Biography

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William Shakespeare was a notable English poet, playwright, and actor. William was born on 23 April 1564 in Stafford-upon-Avon, United Kingdom. The date 23 April is also believed to be his death date in 1616. William is the beloved writer of the people who believed in love and fantasized about romance.

He wrote his plays and poems during the Jacobean and Elizabethan ages of British theater. But till now, his plays are practiced in the theater or school plays to remember his great work.

Besides the plays, William has done some amazing work in Literature. His poems are a true reflection of pure Love and leave an impact on the person who reads them. Here we will take a look at his early life and which circumstances motivated him to become a writer.

So, without taking any other moment, let’s dive in.

William Shakespeare’s Early Life

William was born to John and Mary. John Shakespeare worked as a glove maker but became a necessary figure in Stratford by completing civic positions. Because of his position, he can afford to send all his children to a local grammar school.

John has eight children, but unfortunately, he lost two daughters, making William the eldest child. William spent 18 years of his early life with his family. In his teenage years, he fell in love with Anne Hathaway who was 26 years old.

They get married at this age in a rush because Anne was pregnant at the time of the ceremony. William had three children with Anne. Six months after their wedding, they gave birth to their first daughter Susanna.

Later the couple had twins Hamnet and Judith. But unfortunately, Hamnet died at the age of 11.

Work-Life in London

After the birth of twins, William moved to London and gained a reputation in 1592. There are no proper records of these years that’s why many Scholars referred to these years as The Lost Years.

However, during this time, William printed and published his first work. His first work included two long poems ‘Venus and Adonis’ and ‘The Rape of Lucrece’. William also became a founding member of Lord Chamberlain (a company of actors).

He was the regular dramatist of the company and produced almost 2 plays a year for 20 years. William remained with this acting company for the rest of his career.

New Place in Stratford-upon-Avon

Because of the fantastic plays, William got a huge success in London theaters. This success made William wealthy and he bought a new place in 1597 in Stratford-upon-Avon that kept him close to his native town.

William spent his professional career in London but because of the new place purchase, he keeps his links with native people and family. According to recent evidence, William was only an intermittent lodger in London.

This suggests that he divided his work and personal time. He spends almost 3 to 4 days in London and other days of the week in his hometown. However, he spent his last years completely in Stratford.

William Shakespeare’s Famous Work

He wrote almost 38 plays, 2 narrative poems, 154 sonnets, and a variety of poems. But there is no original manuscript of his plays. His colleagues only find the pieces of his work and store them.

Here all thanks to the actors that kept his plays. They collected all the work for publication after the death of Shakespeare. All of Shakespeare’s writing was brought in the form of the First Folio. This Folio contained his 36 plays only and not the poetry.

Some of his famous plays are:

  • Romeo and Juliet – 1597
  • Julius Caesar – 1599
  • Twelfth Night – 1602
  • Hamlet – 1603
  • Macbeth – 1606
  • King Lear – 1606
  • The Tempest – 1611
  • As You Like It – 1623 and many more

However, these plays are adapted in multiple cultures and genres that enhance his legacy. His plays were first adapted on the stage and then into the movie because of the high diversity.

His plays also include some parts of his poetry and sonnets that leave a remarkable effect on the audience. William Shakespeare continues to be one of the important literary persons of the English language.

If you are a fan of William Shakespeare novels, then you know that he was an amazing novelist. But if you are not then you must read his novels. You will surely fall in love with his words and the way he describes the story.

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